Presenter Pro


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Stream and control presentations right from your smartphone or tablet. Beam slides to anything with a web browser: a computer, laptop, smart TV, or even another mobile device. Best of all, there are no additional software/hardware requirements. Both WiFi and cellular networks are supported. Just upload your PowerPoint, Keynote, or PDF to Google Slides and start presenting! Go to in the browser where you are presenting. No setups. No hassle. Your mobile phone is the only thing you need for the ​perfect presentation.Benefits:– Boosts audience engagement– Seconds to set up – Seamless interoperability
Features include:– Beam to multiple screens at once– Beam to any mobile device– Presentation notes– Laser pointer– Live drawing tool– Universal remote control– Slide clicker
Created for: educators, sales professionals, and anyone speaking in public.
New in Presenter Pro:– No branding – just your slides– Present worldwide – pair with a shareable link (QR-only in the free version)